Sunday, May 29, 2011

Follow Your Bliss

Joseph Conrad had a philosophy: "Follow Your Bliss". 

That is the direction that I am keeping in mind as I re-define my paradigm (which I do on a regular basis).  I really got buried under building my business and realized that I had lost my joy in the business. 

I was hesitant to hire other people in my business to do anything...afraid that I wouldn't have enough business to pay them, afraid that they wouldn't do the job as well as I would like it done, afraid that it would all be too much responsibility.

Fear Was Holding Me Back

I was acting so much from fear, that I forgot that I actually used to enjoy the work.  Then in my time away from work, my energy was so clouded and so blocked that I just sat and stared and didn't get much of anything created, art or business ideas or blog writings or anything that needed my creative self.  I could only wonder what had happened to my blossoming business and how the heck I was going to pay my bills next month.  My joy was slipping, my hope was turning into despair.

So the past year, and especially these past 6 months, has been about evaluating where my business is, where my financial life is, and where my focus is.  I have found that while some of it is not where I want it to be, much of it was just poorly defined.  How can I possibly know if these things are in accordance with what I want if I haven't even clearly defined what I want?

That's a million dollar question, huh.

Now I am working on clearly defining what I want to be doing, how I want to be doing it, and for what results I am working.  And how to incorporate into what I'm doing the things that I LOVE to do...and how to delegate out the things that I really don't love to do.  By focusing my time and energy, and LOVE, I send out positive and loving energy.  Positive energy and love itself, can manifest our dreams and goals and desires.  The passion behind all of that energy is strong enough to move mountains.

Isn't that what Follow Your Bliss means?? 

For me, Follow Your Bliss means finding the paths that allow me to do those things about which I feel passionate.  If all other things being equal, and what you focus on is what you manifest, the smart thing to do is focus on what you really do want.  You feel most passionate about what you love doing.  You feel most passionate for what brings you bliss.

Follow Your Bliss, and you will feel joy and passion, and you will send out positive vibrations, clearly and loudly letting the Universe know what you intentions really have.  Makes it a lot easier for the Universe to move the energies around to manifest those intentions, make sense?

Joseph Conrad spent a lot of time studying the mind and the subconscious and how it all works.  How do you sum up the best of it all?

Follow Your Bliss.

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